To put it mildly, this week was one for the books.
There were months of preparation, countless sleepless nights, and an insane number of phone calls, emaNIS and detaNIS to be handled and, with Hashem’s help, everything came together for our annual fundraising campaign.
Our supporters came through for us in a big way, with more than $4 million raised to continue serving those who turn to us in their hour of need. More than 2,900 donors sent their message loud and clear – we feel your pain – and the funds raised this week will be used towards our operating budget, so that we can be a lifeline to as many people as we possibly can.
This year’s fundraiser featured back to back nights of live events which were truly magnificent. Our Tuesday event at the Bond Collective Atrium in Brooklyn was a memorable experience, complete with live music, a delicious buffet presented by Judd’s Memphis Kitchen and a five-hour long Nachum Segal livestream that had phones at our call center ringing off the hook. It was back to back action with Jeryko, Yoni Z, NISsim Black and Eli Schwebel bringing down the house, and plenty of special guests, several of whom told of their personal struggles and how, with help and support, they were able to turn their lives around. There were numerous videos throughout the night, including a presentation from Beri Weber, several Amudim videos and the worldwide debut of the soon to be released Hold On, an all new NISsim Black music video with a powerful message of hope to those whose untreated pain plagues them both night and day, produced at Amudim’s very own Reignited Studios in Jerusalem.
The adrenaline was running at an all time high on Wednesday night at the Far Rockaway home of Moishe and Arielle Wolfson, with well over 350 people attending a second elegant live event to show their support for Amudim during the campaign’s final hours. Excitement was high as everyone who showed up feverishly went through their phones, reaching out to their contacts and asking for support as the final minutes of the campaign crept ever closer. It would be an understatement to say that the entire house shook when the $4 million mark was hit, not only because the campaign had met its goal, but knowing that the money raised will literally change lives and build futures.
We are so grateful to everyone and their overwhelming support, making it clear to those who are suffering that they aren’t alone. We are here for them. We are here to help. There aren’t enough words to truly express our appreciation for the response we saw this week, so I will conclude this with two very simple ones: Thank you!