Amudim Weekly Recap – SILVER LINING

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If you dig deep enough, you can often find a silver lining even within the most chaotic and tragic events.

Amudim received a call recently from a young man, Sam*, who had finally hit his breaking point and was ready to seek help.

Sam grew up in an abusive home, a victim of domestic violence who saw his father beat his mother on a regular basis. He left home as soon as he could and began traveling the world, a lost wanderer seeking escape from his PTSD and chronic anxiety. After the COVID crisis forced him to return to the States and move in with a relative, feeling stuck and trapped, Sam was forced to confront his triggers and panic and was admitted to the hospital. He and his relative called Amudim soon after to speak with a case manager about getting the meaningful help he has needed for years, but was able to avoid through his travels and feeling “free.”

Our case manager helped Sam find an appropriate residential treatment plan, and he is finally working to heal his trauma and learn healthier coping skills.

Without the pandemic’s forcing Sam to return “home” and confront his issues, he would still be traveling, untethered but not truly free. Amudim will continue to monitor his recovery and support Sam through this process.

Whether you or a loved one are facing a crisis stemming from Coronavirus or that has just been pushed to the forefront because of it, or for any reason at all, please do not hesitate to call. We are always here to help.

Amudim Anonymous Support Line: (718) 972-3000
For regular Amudim matters: (646) 517-0222
Amudim Israel Anonymous Support Line: 02-374-0222.

*Name has been changed for privacy purposes.

And here is a breakdown of new cases we opened this past week:

82 New Cases Opened This Week

  • 5 At Risk Guidance
  • 3 Child Abuse and Neglect
  • 2 COVID-19 Anxiety
  • 1 Depression
  • 5 Domestic violence
  • 6 Drug & Alcohol Addiction
  • 2 Eating Disorder
  • 1 Housing Placement
  • 2 Legal Matter
  • 3 Medical Related
  • 14 Mental Health
  • 3 Psyc Emergecies
  • 4 Sex Addiction
  • 11 Sexual Abuse
  • 5 Suicial Ideation / Prevention
  • 15 Therapy Referrals


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