Happy Occasion Travel Request Weddings, Bat/Bar Mitzvahs, Birth of Grandchildren (which yes, grandparents may apply as well), Visit to Lone Soldiers


Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Amudim has assisted hundreds of community members with arranging safe emergency travel to Israel, primarily for funerals and medical-related matters, as well as for students. We have updated our website to provide updated information and guidelines for all types of travel to Israel.

Please click below, where we have included as much relevant and current information as possible, including the necessary forms, requirements, and the contact person to speak to directly for emergencies.

Student Visa
Funeral Travel
Medical Travel
Simcha Travel

Happy Occasion Travel Request

Weddings, Bat/Bar Mitzvahs, Birth of Grandchildren (which yes, grandparents may apply as well), Visit to Lone Soldiers.

Important Note: Amudim does not charge fees for any service we provide for the community. Should anyone claim that he/she was asked to pay for assistance, please email travelhelp@amudim.org right away, and let us know.

Please see all instructions below, and email travelhelp@amudim.org if you have any questions. If this is urgent and you need immediate assistance, please call David Kushner, Amudim’s Director of Government Relations, at 646-517-0222 ext 999, 24 hours a day.

Please prepare all of the documentation listed below, and follow the instructions at the end of the list on how to properly email the details and request. 

The expected processing time is 12-14 days.

1) Passenger’s Passport: A clear image of valid passports of all travelers.

2) Proof of citizenship for the person making the Simcha/Celebration: The passport is best. If the person making the event is an Israeli National, please provide the Israeli Passport or Teudat Zehut. 

 3) Applicant’s Declaration form: you will need one form filled out for each passenger. Click here to get the form.

4) Admission request form: you will need one form filled out for each passenger. Click here to get the form.

5)  Proof of travel, such as a booked plane ticket or confirmed travel itinerary. Your stay must be longer than the required 14 day quarantine period.

6) Proof of Purpose for the trip:


    •  Wedding Invitation
    •  Confirmation from the Rabbinate for the wedding registration.
    • A copy of the bride and grooms passport.

Bar/Bat Mitzvah

  • Event Invitation

Birth of a Grandchild:

  • A doctor’s note indicating the imminent date of birth (birth of a grandchild), which must be on the doctor’s letterhead, or proof that the grandchild was born (the baby’s birth certificate). 

Lone Soldier’s Visit

  • Copy of the IDF service ID (Teudat Huger)
  • Copy of the soldier’s birth certificate
  • A letter certifying the soldier as a lone soldier- can be obtained at the soldier’s base office 

7) Proof of relationship:  For each person requesting permission to travel, you must provide proof of the relationship. This can be a marriage certificate if it is for a spouse, or a birth certificate for siblings, children, or parents. 

8) Health insurance COVID-19 Specific: Proof of health insurance policy showing coverage for COVID 19 – you can call the following insurance, or anyone you choose (We do not know this company personally, only that they have a good reputation for this specific insurance):

Epstein Insurance:
Phone: 718-874-8213
Email: office@epsteininsuranceisrael.com

This insurance is not needed for those who will be in Israel for less than 24 hours. 

Submitting the Request:

Once you have prepared all of the above, please email it immediately to travelrequest@amudim.org, put in the subject line “Celebration Travel Request” or “Lone Soldier Visit Travel Request,” and please do the following:

1) Attach all documents listed above; if possible, please merge them into one multi-page PDF (It should all be in one attachment file). 

2) After we have reviewed the email and attached documentation, and see that all information is accurate, we will submit the request. 

Important Notes:

1) If you email send an email to travelhelp@amudim.org please made sure to include your phone number.

2) As rules and policies keep changing rapidly, there are no guarantees – but we will try our best. The faster you gather the needed documentation – the more likely the permit will be approved and issued in time.

3) A travel permit is not needed for any passengers that are citizens of Israel and who have a valid Israeli Passport.

4) Once everything is confirmed and the travel permit is issued, we will share contact info with you for our colleagues on the ground in Israel who can assist you with any questions, concerns, or logistics from when you arrive in Israel until your departure from Israel. 

5) Please note that the application must be submitted a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the departure date.

6) Please note that your stay in Israel must be based on travel plans of staying in Israel for a minimum of 2 weeks.

7) Please note that the travel permit will only be issued for documented 1st-degree relatives of the person making the celebration event (Baal Simcha), or of the Lone Soldier (spouse, child, parent, sibling, or grandparent). If there are special circumstances, please call 646-517-0222, ext 999, and discuss it with David right away. 

8) We must speak to the traveler directly before making any requests. If more than one person is traveling, there needs to be only one family member we are communicating with on behalf of all travelers. 

9) Once the Ishur is issued – for all flights:

For coming into Israel, including Israelis Click Here

For leaving the country, including Israelis: Click Here

The form can only be filled in within 24 hours of departure. After submitting the form, they have to wait for an approval which they will show proof of on a smartphone, or print out. They won’t be allowed to fly without this form completed correctly.

Only takes 90 sec to fill out and you get an email reply within 5 min with the approval and attached pdf.

If you have any additional questions, please email travelhelp@amudim.org. If this is urgent and you need immediate assistance, please call David Kushner, Amudim’s Director of Government Relations, at 646-517-0222, ext 999, 24 hours a day.  


Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Amudim has assisted hundreds of community members with arranging safe emergency travel to Israel, primarily for funerals and medical-related matters, as well as for students. We have updated our website to provide updated information and guidelines for all types of travel to Israel.

Please click below, where we have included as much relevant and current information as possible, including the necessary forms, requirements, and the contact person to speak to directly for emergencies.

Student Visa
Funeral Travel
Medical Travel
Simcha Travel