Israel Student Visa Info Form – Students Under 18


Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Amudim has assisted hundreds of community members with arranging safe emergency travel to Israel, primarily for funerals and medical-related matters, as well as for students. We have updated our website to provide updated information and guidelines for all types of travel to Israel.

Please click below, where we have included as much relevant and current information as possible, including the necessary forms, requirements, and the contact person to speak to directly for emergencies.

Student Visa
Funeral Travel
Medical Travel
Simcha Travel

Instructions regarding students needing visas who are going to Israel and are under the age of 18.

Important Note: Amudim does not charge fees for any service we provide for the community. Should anyone claim that he/she was asked to pay for assistance, please email right away.

Of course, we are hopeful that the schools will be able to continue to apply from Israel and make it easier, but to be on the safe side, we are providing details how to apply via the local consulate, and a form to fill out, so we can keep track of all the information.

We also understand that when the schools complete the paperwork, there might be different requirements than when it is done at a local Consulate; but we urge you to follow these instructions as required for applications at the Consulate and prepare all of your documentation as early as possible.

Before a student can be granted a visa, the following must be done:

1) Visa applicationClick here to download the VISA application

2) 2 passport sized pictures. (2 X 2 Inch)

3) “ISHUR MOSSAD” Certificate from the Health Ministry that the school is approved to bring in students – This should be provided to you by the school.

4) A letter from the school, on school letterhead, stating that the student was accepted. The letter should state the student’s name, the name of the program/school, and the length of the program.

5) Parent or Guardian bank statements and proof of financial capability – recent bank statements, or a letter from the bank stating the account balance may also be valid proof that the applicant has the financial means to pay for his/her visit and sustenance throughout his/her stay in Israel.

6) Health insurance showing coverage for COVID 19.

7) Valid passport with the passport being valid for at least 1 year from the departure date

8) Child’s birth certificate; NOTE: The Government of Israel has waived the requirement for the birth certificate to be certified with an Apostille until the end of September, to make this process easier for students

9) Both Parents MUST be present with the child. (If there is only one parent, please bring proof of why the other parent can not be there-in the case of a deceased parent, a copy of the death certificate; in the case of a divorce, where one parent has sole legal custody, a copy of the agreement, which MUST have an “Apostille” certification; since the Apostille process can be lengthy, we suggest that the other parent attend if at all possible). Click here for information about obtaining an Apostille in New York State.

10) A flight ticket/reservation – Flight ticket/reservation must state the name of the applicant

11) Once you have all of the above, please click the following link, and make the first available appointment: CLICK HERE to schedule an appointment

12) Once the Ishur is issued – for all flights:

For coming into Israel, including Israelis Click Here

For leaving the country, including Israelis: Click Here

The form can only be filled in within 24 hours of departure. After submitting the form, they have to wait for an approval which they will show proof of on a smartphone, or print out. They won’t be allowed to fly without this form completed correctly.

Only takes 90 sec to fill out and you get an email reply within 5 min with the approval and attached pdf.

Fill out my online form.


Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Amudim has assisted hundreds of community members with arranging safe emergency travel to Israel, primarily for funerals and medical-related matters, as well as for students. We have updated our website to provide updated information and guidelines for all types of travel to Israel.

Please click below, where we have included as much relevant and current information as possible, including the necessary forms, requirements, and the contact person to speak to directly for emergencies.

Student Visa
Funeral Travel
Medical Travel
Simcha Travel