Weekly News – Coronavirus Update: Weekly Recap

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With so much on hold because of the coronavirus outbreak, it almost seems as if time has stopped. But as Amudim concludes its first full week of work in a long time (albeit working out of separate offices aka our homes), we have been on hyperdrive, dealing with a much greater than usual work volume.

Our free, anonymous support line is going strong, which can be reached by calling (888) 726-8346 or (718) 972-3000, with over 95 volunteer mental health professionals taking calls from 8 AM to 11 PM EST. While from a medical perspective we are starting to see a gradual decline in new cases, the mental health fallout of the pandemic continues to rise. Anxiety, financial worries, quarantine (often under difficult circumstances) are some of the concerns our callers are facing; over the past four weeks, we have handled over 1,200 calls. Click here to view our video and stats

As leaders in the mental health field, we have been tapped to share our expertise with several media outlets. In addition to an interview with Zev Brenner this week, we did a Zoom presentation for a group of nearly 200 in England, discussing the mental health aspects of COVID-19 as well as coping skills. Click here to view Amudim’s page on relaxation techniques to assist during this trying time.

The UJA-Federation of New York has taken a proactive role during this crisis, arranging weekly meetings for mental health organizations. By pooling our expertise and resources, we are able to accomplish more and better serve the community; we thank the UJA for its immense efforts.

Last but not least, Amudim’s case managers have been managing their current caseloads in addition to the 64 new cases that came in this week. Despite being inundated with work and operating under tenuous circumstances, our staff continues to rise to the occasion. Our case managers are the glue that holds Amudim together, and I am continually amazed at their ability to do the impossible multiple times per day.

As always, if you need us, help is just a phone call away at (646) 517-0222 for regular Amudim matters and (888) 726-8346 for coronavirus related calls.
Wishing everyone a relaxing, safe, and healthy Shabbos.

And here is a breakdown of new cases we opened this past week:

64 New Cases Opened This Week

  • 13 Mental Health
  • 12 Sexual Abuse
  • 8 COVID19 Anxiety
  • 5 Therapy Referral
  • 5 Psych Emergency
  • 5 Domestic Violence
  • 4 Drug & Alcohol Addiction
  • 3 Child Abuse & Neglect
  • 1 Suicidal Ideation
  • 1 Sex Addiction
  • 1 Self Harm
  • 1 Process Addiction
  • 1 Medical
  • 1 Housing Placement
  • 1 Gambling Addiction
  • 1 Death


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Suite 308
Jerusalem Israel
Phone: 02-374-0175
Fax: 02-679-7710
Email: help@amudim.org.il
Site: www.amudimisrael19.wpengine.com

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Phone: 646-517-0222
Fax: 646-517-0221
Email: info@amudim.org

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