You Are Never Alone – Amudim Weekly Recap

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You Are Never Alone

November 13, 2020

Click here to see Weekly New Case Chart

Sometimes it feels like we are managing all the varied aspects of our life in a healthy and productive way: family, work, medical needs, caring for ourselves. And oftentimes, we are.

But even the most balanced of lives can be jolted by a new added pressure or responsibility; and new challenges can arise while chronic ones that were under control might resurface. One of the most essential ideas that we at Amudim try to help our clients and the community internalize is that no one human can manage everything alone, all of the time, and no one should have to; we all need support. And when we help someone find it, it can make the difference in bringing that person back to a place of equilibrium and peace.

Leah*, a 50 year-old woman dealing with acute feelings of anxiety and depression, reached out to us for guidance. She has a diagnosis of bi-polar disorder and takes medication regularly, and until recently had been doing quite well. But her husband had contracted COVID and been put on a respirator; she was running her household single-handedly and feeling overwhelmed by the additional responsibilities resting solely on her shoulders, as well as concerns regarding her husband’s health. Leah desperately needed someone to talk to, and was seeking an older, frum female therapist located near her home. After spending several hours researching qualified health professionals that would suit Leah’s needs, our case manager found a therapist who was a perfect fit.

We are happy to report that after beginning weekly sessions several weeks ago, Leah has already reported back to her case manager that she is feeling optimistic about her progress. She is getting back to herself as she works with her therapist to develop coping mechanisms and sort through her emotional turmoil.

People every day are going through life events and challenges that none of us could begin to understand. We are here to provide guidance and resources for whatever crisis you or a loved one might be facing. Please don’t ever hesitate to call us anytime.

*Names and details have been changed for privacy purposes.

We work every day to change the lives of those in need. We need your help to continue these efforts.

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WEEK ENDING: November 13, 2020
78 New Amudim Cases Opened This Week

  • 2 Anxiety
  • 10 At Risk Guidance
  • 1 Child Abuse and Neglect
  • 3 Depression
  • 5 Domestic Violence
  • 10 Drug & Alcohol Addiction
  • 2 Eating Disorder
  • 4 Housing Placement
  • 1 Medical Related
  • 2 Mental Health
  • 1 Psyc Emergencies
  • 3 Sex Addiction
  • 20 Sexual Abuse
  • 3 Suicide Prevention
  • 11 Therapy Referrals

Each week, Amudim fields calls covering a wide range of crises and addressing various human concerns, including addiction, depression, abuse, health and domestic emergencies and many others. We track the calls and breakdown of issues for many reasons, foremost of which is to consistently improve and strengthen our knowledge and ability to address community’s needs.


Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Amudim has assisted hundreds of community members with arranging safe emergency travel to Israel, primarily for funerals and medical-related matters, as well as for students. We have updated our website to provide updated information and guidelines for all types of travel to Israel.

Please click below, where we have included as much relevant and current information as possible, including the necessary forms, requirements, and the contact person to speak to directly for emergencies.

Student Visa
Funeral Travel
Medical Travel
Simcha Travel



Join the team as we #Run4Amudim

Amudim is excited to announce our #Run4Amudim initiative in order to raise much needed funds for our essential mission.

Please visit for details on how to sign up as a runner, sponsor, or to make a donation. We look forward to “running” as partners with you to support those who need our help.


We work every day to change the lives of those in need. We need your help to continue these efforts.

Donate Now


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