Amudim Weekly Recap – WATCHING BIG BROTHER

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“Do not stand idly by while your brother’s blood is being shed.” A biblical command we are given which can unfortunately be quite literal at times, but must also be seen as a directive to help save someone who is in distress.

We recently received a call from Leah*, concerned about her brother, Danny*, a 23 year-old studying and living in a dorm hundreds of miles from his family. With the current COVID crisis, though, while his dorm has remained open, most of his peers went home and classes are suspended. Danny had a complicated and difficult childhood, suffering sexual abuse at the hands of his grandfather, which Danny only disclosed to his parents as an adult. They were uncomfortable dealing with the fallout, so Danny’s siblings stepped in to help when he later developed both a porn addiction and subsequent severe depression.

Leah recently reached out to Amudim on behalf of her brother because she believed that Danny was spiraling into a dark place and that his dorm was a lonely environment where he felt isolated and was too depressed to seek treatment. Our case manager provided resources to get Danny into therapy and supported his sister through the process of helping her brother.

We are happy to report that Danny has moved back home to be supported and surrounded by family and friends, and is currently doing very well and seeing his therapist consistently. He finally feels confident in the love of his family and is looking forward to a brighter future.

Sometimes siblings can be our greatest gift; if you or someone in your family needs help and does not know where to turn, please don’t hesitate to call. Amudim is always here to help find a healthy and practical solution.

Amudim Anonymous Support Line: (718) 972-3000
For regular Amudim matters: (646) 517-0222
Amudim Israel Anonymous Support Line: 02-374-0222.

*Name has been changed for privacy purposes.

Camp and summer plans are yet to be determined and that can be stressful to most families, especially children.
See our video below as Amudim and The United Task Force Present: The CARE Method – An educational video and destressing coping technique.

And here is a breakdown of new cases we opened this past week:

78 New Cases Opened This Week

  • 7 Anxiety
  • 5 At Risk Guidance
  • 2 Child Abuse and Neglect
  • 6 Depression
  • 6 Domestic violence
  • 6 Drug & Alcohol Addiction
  • 3 Eating Disorder
  • 1 Gambling Addiction
  • 1 Housing Placement
  • 1 Internet Addiction
  • 2 Legal Matter
  • 3 Medical Related
  • 3 Mental Health
  • 2 Psyc Emergecies
  • 4 Sex Addiction
  • 20 Sexual Abuse
  • 3 Suicial Ideation / Prevention
  • 8 Therapy Referrals


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