Amudim Weekly Recap – Pandemic Panic Attack

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Asking for help takes courage, and when Yoel*, an 18-year-old young man, recently reached out to Amudim, we were happy to be able to reassure him that his challenges were not insurmountable.

Yoel has struggled with depression and anxiety for many years; and while he has been in and out of therapy, his family struggled with the costs and he never found the right person with whom he could connect. When COVID-19 hit, Yoel took a turn for the worse. After contracting the virus and recovering from the physical toll, he went home to be quarantined with eight siblings in a tight environment. The stress of the situation became too difficult and Yoel began experiencing daily panic attacks. He finally reached a breaking point where he picked up the phone to call Amudim for help with a therapy referral. Yoel’s case manager provided support and encouragement and referred him to a therapist in a local clinic who accepts his family’s insurance. This alleviated a financial burden that has plagued both Yoel and his parents.

Yoel is already a changed person. He is working with his therapist weekly, has been referred to a psychiatrist for a low dose of anti-anxiety medication, and is working on communicating more effectively with his family about his needs.

The current pandemic has exacerbated so many underlying mental health concerns, or brought new ones to the forefront. If you or someone you know needs help, please never hesitate to call. There is support to be found, and Amudim is dedicated to providing it.

Amudim Anonymous Support Line: (718) 972-3000
For regular Amudim matters: (646) 517-0222
Amudim Israel Anonymous Support Line: 02-374-0222.

*Name has been changed for privacy purposes.

And here is a breakdown of new cases we opened this past week:

70 New Cases Opened This Week

  • 6 Anxiety
  • 1 Attempted Suicide
  • 2 Child Abuse and Neglect
  • 2 Depression
  • 3 Domestic violence
  • 11 Drug & Alcohol Addiction
  • 2 Eating Disorder
  • 1 Internet Addiction
  • 1 Legal Matter
  • 2 Medical Related
  • 4 Mental Health
  • 2 Psyc Emergecies
  • 3 Sex Addiction
  • 16 Sexual Abuse
  • 4 Suicial Ideation / Prevention
  • 5 Therapy Referrals


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