Amudim Weekly Recap – The growing mental health crisis

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We are living in strange times. A global pandemic that has impacted us all. A unique time during which every human being has just been through and/or is currently facing a crisis/trauma. For the first time, it seems, it is okay to talk about mental health (the irony of this occurring during Mental Health Awareness month is not lost on me). The stigma is just gone. We are all on some level dealing with the unknown, fear, financial strain, health concerns, anxiety, restless sleep, and friends and loved ones who are not themselves lately. When I used to tell people that Amudim has cases in their neighborhood, I often encountered denial: “not here, not possible.” Today, it is an indisputable fact to anyone following the latest headlines and studies. Mental health issues are current and present in every community. Luckily, Amudim is trained and prepared to provide the essential support needed more than ever at this time. This week alone we have seen 74 new cases, ranging from domestic violence and addiction to depression. We have had a recent influx of calls regarding suicide ideation and loneliness.

Amudim is always working to raise awareness and destigmatize mental health needs. Our recently launched Israel anonymous support line has met with great success, and our organization was featured in The Jerusalem Post. See here for link to the full article. We also released a third technique video in our Animated Features education series. And there have been some incredibly meaningful podcasts and interviews in which I spoke on behalf of Amudim; each one sheds light on the different nuances of the situation in which we all find ourselves.

Back in January, I gave an interview with Meir Kay, a well-known media influencer. We decided to go live this week on Instagram together to discuss both the January video along with current events. More recently, I was featured on a podcast with Yaakov Langer and Nachi Gordon, speaking about Amudim and the work we do and how we tackled the current crisis. Click here to view the podcast. And not to worry-proper social distancing protocols were strictly followed.

A final experience in recent weeks that epitomizes the lessons we have learned through our work at Amudim and especially during this time occurred when I was interviewed by Rabbi Yaakov Horowitz. Unexpected technical difficulties arose, and we had to conduct a “second take” of our conversation. Click here to view the aptly named interview, “If at first you don’t succeed, let’s try this again”

I hope I’ve been able to provide some in-depth insight on the work we are doing to weather this crisis and help all those in need. And Amudim needs you as well. We need your financial support. Our communities need your support. ANY amount is meaningful. I am begging as if someone’s life depends on it because it does. Please consider making a donation. You can’t imagine the impact it has.

As always, if you need help, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Amudim Anonymous Support Line: (718) 972-3000
Amudim Israel Anonymous Support Line: 02-374-0222.
For regular Amudim matters: (646) 517-0222


Wishing you a safe and restful Shabbos,

Zvi Gluck

And here is a breakdown of new cases we opened this past week:

74 New Cases Opened This Week

  • 15 Sexual Abuse
  • 8 Depression
  • 7 Depression
  • 6 Therapy Referrals
  • 9 Drug & Alcohol Addiction
  • 4 COVID-19 Anxiety
  • 3 Eating Disorder
  • 7 Mental Health
  • 6 Domestic violence
  • 1 Housing Placement
  • 2 Sex Addiction
  • 1 Legal Matter
  • 1 Medical Related
  • 2 Attempted Suicide
  • 2 At Risk Guidance

This Weeks Videos

Where There Is No Leader, Be The Leader
Meir Kay Interview’s Zvi Gluck

Meaningful People podcast with Yaakov Langer and Nachi Gordon

Where There Is No Leader, Be The Leader
Meir Kay Interview’s Zvi Gluck

The Amudim hotline:
Pillars of support during a global crisis

Source Link: The Jerusalem Post
By - Eli Mandlebaum

Click Here to Read


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