Amudim Weekly Recap – Anxious at Home

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We received a call from Chani*, a mother of four young children; she sounded somewhat embarrassed to be calling for help. Chani explained that she had believed she had it all. Her life was going well. Her marriage was great, she had a good job she enjoyed, and her children were happy and healthy. All of that changed when COVID-19 started. She lost her job and they had limited funds because they had to rely on her husband’s income alone; the children were out of school and off their schedules, and the holidays had arrived. And it was the first holiday season for which she was not receiving support from her family or in-laws.

Chani explained to our case manager that at first she had been able to maintain a positive attitude; but as time went on, it became more difficult. Her marriage has suffered, her children are acting out, and she is at a total loss of how to cope. The home is filled with much anxiety, fear and depression. Chani is not sure how she will get through Shavuos or the summer if there is no camp.

Amudim’s case manager assured Chani that she is not alone in her suffering. There is nothing to be ashamed of and we will be here for her every step of the way. It was clear that in just hearing those words, Chani felt as though a tremendous weight had been lifted off her shoulders. The support, validation, and sympathetic ear was already helping. Amudim set the family up with individual counseling that is covered by their health plan. We also explored the possibility of the children’s joining MH support groups that are targeted towards COVID anxiety. In the meantime, Amudim helped Chani develop a temporary plan to help her cope. Since the initial call, Amudim has been in touch regularly to make sure that Chani and her family’s needs are being met.

Please don’t ever feel ashamed to ask for help or that you are alone. Amudim is just a phone call away and here to provide whatever support that we can.

Amudim Anonymous Support Line: (718) 972-3000
For regular Amudim matters: (646) 517-0222
Amudim Israel Anonymous Support Line: 02-374-0222.

*Name has been changed for privacy purposes.

And here is a breakdown of new cases we opened this past week:

69 New Cases Opened This Week

  • 1 At Risk Guidance
  • 1 Child Abuse and Neglect
  • 5 COVID-19 Anxiety
  • 6 Domestic violence
  • 8 Drug & Alcohol Addiction
  • 3 Eating Disorder
  • 1 Housing Placement
  • 1 Legal Matter
  • 1 Medical Related
  • 15 Mental Health
  • 2 Psyc Emergecies
  • 2 Sex Addiction
  • 13 Sexual Abuse
  • 4 Suicial Ideation / Prevention
  • 6 Therapy Referrals


While it feels like a short work week has flown by with Memorial Day weekend behind us and Shavuos straight ahead, for us at Amudim it has been quite busy with 69 new cases opened.

We are continuing tirelessly to provide support and guidance to many in need and to raise awareness of essential issues. Please view the trailer of our upcoming PSA video on Mental Health. We are also launching a support group for young adults who have lost a loved one as a result of COVID-19. As we prepare for Shavuos and understand that the mental health crisis is ongoing, we want to remind you that our free anonymous support line will be fully operational and available to anyone who needs us. Please visit for available meetings and support groups.


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